One hundred years ago cancer occurred in 1 in every 300 Americans. Now after spending billions of dollars on cancer research, the rate of cancer is 1 in 3 Americans. Why have we seen such an overwhelming growth in the cancer rate despite the best efforts of our government and organizations like the American Cancer Society? After years of study into this question I have found some very disturbing facts behind possible reasons why this has occurred. Let us first look at the economics of "the big C" or cancer. The price tag to treat various cancers in the U.S. has exceeded one trillion dollars since President Nixon declared war on cancer in 1971. In 1995 alone, cancer cost Americans $96.1 billion. For terminal cases of breast cancer, Medicare payments average between $50,000 and $62,000 per case! If it were not for this immensely lucrative "malignancy market" the medical profession would have abolished the currently enforced treatment routine of poison-slash-and-burn chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation) long ago because the records of success simply aren't there, but the profits are. These are too alluring for those in the cancer industry to turn down. Five year survival rates for cancer patients have not changed in the past 25 years! Now you say, "I trust my doctor," as indeed you should, but the simple facts are the doctors who perform cancer treatments and the scientists who conduct research are not the ones in control of the cancer field. It is the larger power structure of the cancer establishment that effectively controls the shape and direction of cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. The field of US cancer care is organized around a medical monopoly that ensures a continuous flow of money to the pharmaceutical companies, medical technology firms, research institutes, and government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). This monopoly began in 1926 when a German based multinational corporation called I.G. Farben and John D. Rockefeller, Sr., joined forces to create a cartel that would soon own or control the entire global oil and pharmaceutical industries. By 1940 I.G. Farben controlled over 380 companies such as Bayer, Proctor and Gamble, Monsanto Chemical, Dow Chemical, Hoffman-LaRoche Laboratories, and Squibb and Sons Pharmaceuticals. This relationship was created because of the invention of hydrogenation, which produces synthetic fuels from coal. This invention was an obvious threat to Rockefeller's energy monopoly causing him to enter an agreement (Continued on page 6)