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that his company Standard Oil would control the worlds energy flow, and I.G. Farben would control the pharmaceutical industry. These two organizations understood why and how a global cartel could work to discourage - quash - all small-scale enterprising non-drug-oriented (non-petrochemical-based) approaches to medicine. They would not be able to control the money flow otherwise, and success in an alternative medicinal product - laetrile, Hoxsey herbs, anti-neoplastons, among many - could eventually undercut their monopoly. Medical historian and researcher G. Edward Griffin concludes, after poring through reports of U.S. government hearings conducted between 1928 and 1946 to investigate these topics: "The reality, therefore, is that government becomes the tool of the very forces that, supposedly, it is regulating." Substitute NCI, FDA and the National Institute of Health (NIH), for the government in this statement and you can see why it is important for these organizations supposedly working for the American public to take all possible steps to suppress any innovations that might threaten the global drug (and oil) edifice they represent. For example, in 1992 the FDA attempted to reclassify all nutritional and herbal supplements as prescriptive drugs which would then require massively expensive clinical research before they would be released for use in the U.S. Because these remedies can not be patented no one will finance this research. This is a perfect example of a regulatory change that would materially benefit the cancer cartel and help put alternative medicine out of business. By 1942, I.G. Farben had built the world's largest poison gas industry, and some evidence suggests that this cartel controlled the Nazi state and operated many of the concentration camps, including Monowitz where they performed chemical experimentation in two related fields: cancer treatment and more effective ways to kill people with chemicals. In that same year secret research offices in the U.S., Britain, and Nazi Germany were simultaneously studying poison mustard gas as a chemical warfare agent and possible anticancer therapy. Based on the clinical success of treating a single laboratory mouse (which had lymphoma) with modified mustard gas, human trials began that year. The first human subject died; although his tumor initially regressed. By 1946, at least 160 American patients had been secretly subjected to poison gas treatment for cancer, according to Griffin. Even with such limited evidence this treatment remains the enforced stan (Continued on page 7)